Site 1: Mt. Hebo

- Facilities / Room:
- Concrete block building, fenced site
- 24 hour security, monitored alarm system
- Video surveillance system, offsite storage
- Power:
- Commercial AC power
- 120VAC rack mount UPS
- Propane generator for AC backup
- 12VDC battery bank for DC backup
- Antennas:
- Base elevation: 3100 feet ASL
- 60 foot self supporting tower
- VHF - SCALA collinear, Tram dual band
- UHF - Sinclair 10dbi, Tram dual band
- UHF linking - Maxrad 6 element Yagi
- SHF - Andrew 24dbi reflector
- Radios:
- Voice repeater - 147.220 Standby repeater system, Motorola Micor
- Voice repeater - 440.900 Motorola Radius R100, 50 watt Midland PA, Arcom RC-210 Controller
- Voice repeater - 441.250 Motorola Radius R100, 100 watt Johnson PA, Zetron 35A interconnect
- APRS Weather/Telemetry/Digi - 144.390 Yaesu, KPC3+ (HEBOWX)
- Custom link repeater - Midland 70-1526 radios
- Remote base - Kenwood TM-G707A
- GE VHF and GE UHF Maintenance Radios
- Other:
- Peet Brothers Weather Station
- OCRG WxDOG Wx Data Translator
- Rack Mount Pentium PC running Digital Video Recording Software
- Custom 2.4Ghz tower mounted wireless bridge
- Netgear WLAN Router
- Stardot Express 6 camera server
- Interior and Exterior cameras
- Historic Photos:
- Mt. Hebo history as an AFS radar base; courtesy of David Casteel.

Radio Suite